2013年12月12日 星期四



2008年6月26日 星期四


好久沒有家人BBQ了哦!! 6/21終於跟家人一起BBQ @ South Arm Park in Richmond. The weather is awesome and the food is awesome!! 我們吃吃, 玩飛盤, 喝喝 (汽水, 不是酒哦), 吃吃, 玩玩...

爸爸這天負責煎肉, 我也一直餵東西給他吃..你看他的肚子都腫起來了呢!! 呵呵...

阿姨叔叔們都很厲害, 我們烤的很快...很快就飽了說..肉剩很多, 我看隔壁的外國人一定都傻眼了吧..哪有人bbq像在敢死隊...而且我們很吵哦..呵


2008年6月24日 星期二

Welcome All

Welcome to my world of 38ness. It's actually my first time using the blog and I am pretty excited! I love to take pictures (not professional pictures though), and being selected the best paparazzi in my MBA class, I would like to have a space of my own to share the pictures. (Yeah, facebook is getting more and more unsafe).

38 = Amy
Amy = 38

What is "38"?? well..there is no single English word for 38. However 38 is used when you want to describe a person who is crazy and cute at the same time that he/she doesn't afraid of losing face. Hmm..as I said, I really don't know what is the English word for 38. ><

But as you know me more, you'll find out what 38 really means yo!!

Feel free to drop by my blog~

Love You All